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Supporters Programs

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What is D.A.I.L.Y.?

*  DAILY is a acronyms of ‘Dong-A I Love You’ and it means students from various countries will grow together exchanging their             cultures in Dong-A university.

     -  Combined Support program for international students in Dong-A university from 2018

*  One-way service which combines the existing programs such as Global Mentor, International Exchange Supporters, I.S.S.C. and       etc.


Types of International students

*  Korean Language Course students, undergraduate and graduate students of Dong-A University, Inbound exchange students              from partner institutions


1. Qualifications & Requirements

- Freshmen student who can diligently participate during the program

- Students who are interested in cultural exchange with strong service spirit

- Students who can communicate in foreign language


2. Supports

- Provide official DAILY uniform and activity cost

- Transfer Social Service credits

- Provide Certificate of Participation to those successfully complete the program


3. Recruitment and Activity Period

- Recruitment: February and August

- Activity Period: One semester (extension of activity period is possible after the evaluation)


Global Academic Tutoring  

It is a one to one academic tutoring program in which a Korean tutor(Dong-A students) will provide academic assistance to freshmen or transferred international students.


1. Qualifications & Requirements

- Dong-A university undergraduate or graduate students with strong service spirit


2. Supports

- Provide Activity Costs

- Certificate of Participation


3. Recruitment and Activity Period

- Recruitment: February and August

- Activity Period: 1 semester



Global Major Study Group 

It is a study program in which Korean tutor will provide academic assistance to existing(at least sophomore) international students


1. Qualifications & Requirements

- Dong-A university undergraduate students(at least Junior) with strong service spirit

  ※ Different by majors


2. Supports

- Provide Activity Costs

- Certificate of Participation and Social Service credits


3. Recruitment and Activity Period

- Recruitment: March and September

- Activity Period: 1 semester

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