Office Of
External &International
Dong-A University
동아대학교 국제교류과ㅣDonga OIA
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Greeting from the Dean
A day in a foreign country can change your life!
Dong-A University is ready to change your life through diverse international exchange programs!
With the development of society and technology, the distance among countries are getting closer. You need to think of the world as your own stage and have an attitude thinking of not only my own development but also the development of the global village.
Dong-A University offers many international exchange programs to help you have international experience during your stay. It is your right to enjoy the various international exchange programs offered by office of international affairs at Dong-A Univeisty.
In addition, Dong-A University tries to share the experience of Dong-A with members of various countries. Many foreign students who meet in the classroom and on campus are your colleagues, Dong-A family, and your future companions.
I hope you enjoy the process of becoming yourself bigger through engaging in diverse international exchange programs of Dong-A actively.
Dean, Office of International Affairs