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Home > Korean Language Program

About the Program

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Dong-A University, which boasts its 70 years of history dating back from 1946, is a prestigious private university founded based on the values of freedom, truth, and justice. The University has since produced around 200,000 alumni, each active in a variety of fields in society today.


The Korean Language Course is accomplishing its capacity as a corner-stone for producing global individuals. Dong-A University provides Korean language education to foreigners who

want to be admitted to the University or want to learn the language. Admitted foreign students will be able to obtain an increased understanding of Korea through a diverse experience of Korean traditional and popular cultures, and also receive valuable information necessary for life in Korea. In addition, prospective undergraduate or graduate Dong-A University students can pre-pare for a better academic future by learning in advance the information which will help in the diverse and pro-found research about Korea.


Language operates as a rudder for directing future dreams. Learning a foreign language allows one to gain a broader perspective towards the world, and also provides the opportunity to live a more prosperous life.


Dong-A University would like to provide dreams and hopes to everyone around the world who desires to learn the Korean language.

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